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  产品名称: 阿法拉伐制冷解决方案
  咨询电话:0592-7136959 林先生

阿法拉伐Alfa Laval制冷解决方案


U-Turn is a liquid separator especially designed for use with plate heat exchangers in ammonia applications. The module – including the separator and plate heat exchanger ensures minimum pressure drop losses and maximum energy efficiency.


Alfa Laval U-Turn is designed to utilize the very best from Alfa Laval’s plate heat exchanger technology. Installed above, the self-contained U-Turn can be easily mounted onto the compatible plate heat exchanger. It can cover ammonia capacities from 200 to 1400 kW at 0°C evaporation temperature and from 50 to 500 kW at -40°C evaporation temperature.

The module provides an effective and compact installation with less vertical rise and smaller overall dimensions than any other solution.

Main design features:

Compact dimensions

Shorter height and length allowing installation onsite without dismantling

No additional support is needed, as the U-Turn separator is supported entirely by the plate heat exchanger

Easy maintenance, as both sides of the plate heat exchanger are fully accessible.

All ammonia connections access the same side which makes installation easy

Integrated oil drain

Stainless steel ensuring corrosion resistance and no need of surface treatment

Ready to install:

The U-Turn module is delivered within short time, due to standardization. It is a fully functional module from one supplier and carries the CE-stamp, as well the approval from PED (Pressure Equipment Directive).

电话:0592-7136959 传真:0592-7136959 手机:13795397384 地址: 福建省厦门市同安区大同街道环城东路 备案许可证:闽ICP备16033591号-2